The Evolution of "Capcay Alakadut"

The Evolution of "Capcay Alakadut" If you still remember at the beginning when I came to Japan, I had published one of my creation called " Capcay Alakadut ". Through times and research, then the next generation of Capcay Alakadut was created. It is on February 14,2010 (2010年2月14日), to coincide with what people called "Valentine Day", this creation has been made. With great flavor and materials, from vegetable to kind of seafood, brought very good taste from the last creation (even based only from my mind hehe). As usual, if you interested to taste one of my creation just come to : Shofu Dormitory, 21-13 Matsukaze-dai, Aoba-ku, Yokohama-Shi,Kanagawa-Ken 227-0067 JAPAN (227-0067神奈川県横浜市青葉区松風台21-13)